Monday, December 14, 2009

Still No Justice

Since 1976, I am still waiting for an apology from my Government of Canada.
The same Government who says, we believe in Human Rights, Dignity and Respect
to all Canadians, or all people who live in Canada.

I just turned 51 years old, till this day, I am suffering from the affects of the abuse I was subjected too from 1974 to 1976 at the hands employees school staff and supervisors, .At Brookside Training School in Cobourg, Ontario.

33 years I have been silent, now it is time to speak out, get my voice heard and not been hidden away like a well used broom.
I want justice not only for myself, but all the people what have suffered endless beatings ,sexual ,emotional abuse, been raped over and over again, by filthy men , Face what are etched in my mind till this day, some are probably dead now, perhaps some are still alive.
Like Ray Elders, or Dave Thomas, you know who you are.As far as I know only 2 people were ever charged, "Ray Elders" was only convicted. What about the rest of them???

In 1997 interviewed more than 3,000 former training school residents and employees living across Canada now you can do the math, where are the results of the investigations, again the Police and the Government of Canada have failed us, to get Justice.

I am a victim and a survivor of your system, I am not the only one still out there.

I am looking for all survivors of all

White Oaks Village, originally a facility for boys eight to 12 located adjacent to Sprucedale and operated as an open-custody juvenile facility;
Pine Ridge Training School in Bowmanville, formerly known as the Ontario Training School for Boys, Bowmanville;

Kawartha Lakes School in Lindsay, formerly the Ontario Training School for Girls, Lindsay;

Circle 'R' Boys Ranch in Cookstown, a foster home now known as the Robert Thompson Youth and Family Centre;

Brookside Training School in Cobourg

Please write, is now time to stand up.


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  4. I would like to know what Ontario ministry was responsible for, specifically, Circle 'R' Boys Ranch in the 70's and 80's? I need to know where to direct my FOIP requests. Thank you.

  5. Is there a case against the government? I too am a victim of Brookside.

  6. Is there a case against the government? I too am a victim of Brookside.

    1. Hi there, I'm a journalist based in Belleville working on gathering the stories of the survivors from brookside. I've been contacting several people so if you are willing to chat my email is

  7. I also was in Brookside from 1977-1980. I remember Dave Thomas all to well. I also remember the abuse as I suffered a few bearings from a staff member by the name of Frank Kozak. I also witnessed abuse. That place left me with horrible memories.

  8. I too was in brookside training school 1980 81..I have terrible memories that haunt me everyday...I escaped from brookside three times...Finally the last time I took off I never went back...I have horrible memories of the hole..Till this day I still haven't talked about....In brookside I was known as Chico...I am a alcoholic drug addict on all kinds of different medications...But I am a survivor...and will be till the day I die...Take care friend...They say the White House at brookside is haunted and a lot of strange things would happen when I was in the hole...The original owners of that house the wife hung herself in the basement...later friend

  9. Replies
    1. God bless everyone I'm trying to help man that gave statement to cops around 12yrs ago about the parasites at brookside he's dying he spent over half his life in prison starting in 69at brookside he has much to say and recalls well did gvt give any crumbs to victims he maybe entitled I'm trying to get him to east from West to his family

  10. I was in brookside as well there was a lot of abuse in there,I escaped to and got beet for it.i can think of quite a few staff members that should be charged I was there when mr rusk got beaten on night shit with the bars from the weight Down stairs.
    A nother place were staff members should be Brondale now kinkark child and family serves

    1. contact a lawyer. I have recommendations.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I was also a brookside victim we called the hole the digger the physical emotional and sexual abuse was crazy I had a staff member actually follow me home on a weekend home visit... That place was awful cried myself to sleep alot still do I am 53 now

    1. Hi there, I'm a journalist based in Belleville working on gathering the stories of the survivors from brookside. I've been contacting several people so if you are willing to chat my email is

  12. Sheri
    Do you remember Nikki Kingston and another girl that was there. That place was horrible

  13. Former residents and staff of the long since closed group home, Circle 'R' Boys Ranch, are invited to join our Facebook group. You can find our group by copying and pasting this link in your browser:

  14. I too suffered alot of abuse that still haunts me to this day. I was in Brookside and Kawaartha Lakes. I feel very alone with this and if people would like to form a group that can be organised.

    1. Hi there, I'm a journalist based in Belleville working on gathering the stories of the survivors from brookside. I've been contacting several people so if you are willing to chat my email is

  15. I too suffered alot of abuse that still haunts me to this day. I was in Brookside and Kawaartha Lakes. I feel very alone with this and if people would like to form a group that can be organised.

  16. I was on Brookside in 83 When Risk Got piped by Jason B..for the abuse he suffered at the hands of him

    1. Hi there, I'm a journalist based in Belleville working on gathering the stories of the survivors from brookside. I've been contacting several people so if you are willing to chat my email is

  17. I entered the juvenile justice system in 1970. I can only say that Kawartha Lakes Training School was a life saving influence on me. I have nothing but praise for the facility and staff in my9 month stay. If I had not been admitted to their care I believe that I would have died on the streets of Toronto. The surroundings were comforting and stabilizing. The scholastic and daily skill knowledge I received helped to shape me into a healthy and successful individual.

    1. The "supervisors" would say many many times to the house, you never had it so good if you weren't here you'd........... A put down of you and your family. In many cases it was true but didn't need to be used as a put down.

  18. i entered bowmanville 1957iam now75 yrs old and i am still horrified by the thoughts of that shit house good luck to you all.

    1. Hi there, I'm a journalist based in Belleville working on gathering the stories of the survivors from brookside. I've been contacting several people so if you are willing to chat my email is

  19. My husband was in Pine Ridge 1970-71 age 15-16. He witnessed and suffered terrible abuse and is still haunted by it

    1. Hi there, I'm a journalist based in Belleville working on gathering the stories of the survivors from brookside. I've been contacting several people so if you and your are willing to chat my email is

    2. Every time you reply with your copy and paste message to all the people here, I get the same number of emails with your message. Don't you think one message for everyone to see is better than spamming everyone who is posting a comment?? smh.


  21. I was in brookside and browndale and I have lived the abuse in both places and yes there needs to be justice and people need to know how fucked up things were and what happend in those places,you never forget it and it haunts you all your life,if I didnt go through that shit my life would have been so ya I will speak our if its going to help.
